Word(/Term) of the Day: Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS)

Taking a break from the beautiful outdoors this weekend, I found myself in an old bookstore. Something The Diplomat likes to do from time to time is check out what folks are saying on the other end of the intellectual spectrum. So for a little Saturday comedy, I opened 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (not really worthy of a jump link … really) and instantly landed on a term I had not yet heard of:

Bush Derangement Syndrome: The term BDS refers to an utterly foolish or unreasonable state-of-mind, that affects some liberals. They blame President George W. Bush for virtually every ill in the world. They also oppose any position advocated by the President just because he supports it, regardless of the position’s merits.

Bush Derangement Syndrome in a sentence:

No Child Left Behind Act, $3+ trillion spent on war in Iraq, reputation of The United States of America generally dragged through the mud, and other facts, disprove Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Agreed. A totally baseless, unfounded, and deranged concept.

(For the record, no matter how much The Diplomat may not like one’s policies and outlook on life, he does not support collective, sweeping ideas such as said term and therefore finds true adherents to such knee-jerk liberalism ultimately undiplomatic).

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