Happy Earth Day

Although environmentalism and the green movement have become extremely trendy these days, they have always been the most diplomatic way to live and use our resources. Therefore, The Diplomat presents to you the Ecology Flag:

Created in 1969 by a cartoonist, the flag’s colors symbolize pure air and green land, while the Greek letter “theta”, seen by some as an “e” and “o” combined representing “environment” and “organism”, actually harks back to the original Greek word “thanatos” meaning death, thereby implying humanity’s threat to the environment. But hey, The Diplomat loves a good double entendre.

If the international community decides not to boycott the Beijing Olympics, perhaps at the very least they will wave the Ecology Flag in tandem with their own as a subtle hint to the Chinese government to clean up its act. Of course they could also just show up with some Sudanese refugees and Shi Tao.

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2 Responses to “Happy Earth Day”

  1. Erin Says:

    The theta is also used as shorthand for God, or “theos”. Make of that what you will.

  2. betterdiplomacy Says:

    good point. so it’s actually the ever-rare triple entendre, like ‘fire in the hole’ or ‘moving pictures’. thanks for reading.

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